Sports That Starts with E

  1. Equestrianism: A broad category of sports involving horses, including dressage, show jumping, and eventing.
  2. Endurance Racing: Various racing sports, such as endurance running, cycling, or horse racing, emphasize stamina over long distances.
  3. Esports: Competitive video gaming where players and teams compete in various titles.
  4. Extreme Ironing: An unusual sport where participants iron clothes in challenging and unconventional environments.
  5. Eskrima: A Filipino martial art that focuses on stick fighting, knife fighting, and hand-to-hand combat.
    Read also: Sports That Starts With D
  6. Elephant Polo: A variant of traditional polo played on elephants instead of horses.
  7. Eagle Hunting: A traditional form of falconry where trained eagles are used to hunt small game.
  8. Eight-Ball: A popular cue sport played on a rectangular table with six pockets, using a set of 16 balls.
  9. Eton Fives: A handball game played in a specially designed court, involving hitting a ball against the walls using hands.
  10. Ergometer Rowing: Rowing on a stationary rowing machine (ergometer) to simulate the action of rowing on water.
  11. Elastic Sports: Various sports and games involving elastic materials, such as Elastic Soccer and Elastic Basketball.
  12. Elementary Basketball: A modified form of basketball designed for younger players, with adjusted rules and court dimensions.
  13. Eight-Man Football: A smaller version of American football played with eight players on each team.
  14. E-skateboarding: Electric skateboarding, using motorized skateboards for transportation and sport.
  15. Eskating: Electric skating, using motorized skates for transportation and recreation.
  16. Eukonkanto (Wife Carrying): A sport originating in Finland where male participants carry a female teammate through an obstacle course.
  17. Eton Wall Game: A traditional English sport played at Eton College, involving a wall and a small hard ball.
  18. Eton Fives: A handball game played in a specially designed court, involving hitting a ball against the walls using hands.
  19. Elastic Sports: Various sports and games involving elastic materials, such as Elastic Soccer and Elastic Basketball.
  20. Elementary Basketball: A modified form of basketball designed for younger players, with adjusted rules and court dimensions.
  21. Eight-Man Football: A smaller version of American football played with eight players on each team.
  22. E-skateboarding: Electric skateboarding, using motorized skateboards for transportation and sport.
  23. Eskating: Electric skating, using motorized skates for transportation and recreation.
  24. Eukonkanto (Wife Carrying): A sport originating in Finland where male participants carry a female teammate through an obstacle course.
  25. Eton Wall Game: A traditional English sport played at Eton College, involving a wall and a small hard ball.
  26. Elephant Polo: A variant of traditional polo played on elephants instead of horses.
  27. Eagle Hunting: A traditional form of falconry where trained eagles are used to hunt small game.
  28. Eight-Ball: A popular cue sport played on a rectangular table with six pockets, using a set of 16 balls.
  29. Equestrian Vaulting: Gymnastics and dance on horseback, combining elements of both disciplines.
  30. Eskrima: A Filipino martial art that focuses on stick fighting, knife fighting, and hand-to-hand combat.
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